BXN RADIO: S2 EP 07 - The Future of Healthcare for Black Women and Women of Color
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The latest episode of BXN radio wraps up Women’s History Month with Ashlee Wisdom, creator of Health in Her Hue, an up-and-coming healthcare app designed to provide women of color access to culturally competent and reliable healthcare professionals.
Ashlee has Jamaican and Bahamian roots and represents the Bronx, her childhood home. Health in Her Hue was inspired by Ashlee’s own experiences with seeking healthcare as a Black woman, as well as insights from her career in public health policy. During the podcast, she shares one of the most startling statistics: Black women are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy related complications.
Health in Her Hue aims to shed light on this and other disparities disproportionately affecting women of color, but more importantly offer a solution. With recent funding from a grant provided by Serena Williams, a viral post that contributed to 34,000 people signing up for the app and growing media coverage Health in Her Hue is proving that there is a need for a medical network that prioritizes healthcare for Black women and women of color. Ashlee and her team are using the power of tech to make it happen.